Magora, who reportedly has four children with Sande, could not take it. She dragged him to court and accused him of abusing her and absconding his matrimonial duties to spend time with her mother.
“We got married in 2008 , but since 2011 he has been hostile as he had fallen in love with my mother,” Magora told a magistrate court in Zimbabwe's Zvishavane town.
Magora also told the magistrate that Sande was beating and insulting her and that he had threatened to throw her and her four children out of their matrimonial home.
"The family members have not been able to stop him. He never listened to anyone. Elder members of our family tried to discipline him but that too did not work. He still proceeded to marry my mother as his second wife," Magora lamented.
In his defense, Sande admitted that he was indeed deeply in love with his mother-in-law and he wanted to spend the rest of his life with the two women.
“It is true that I love my mother-in-law, but I also still love my wife . I would like to spend the rest of my life with the two women,” Sande pleaded with the court.
While ruling on the matter, the presiding judge, Shepherd Mjanja, ordered Sande to desist from emotionally and physically torturing his first wife.
The judge did not annul the marriage between Sande and his mother-in-law.